Vietnam, Khayfon

Lao Cai weather forecast today

Currently in Lao Cai

  • Night +19° Normally
  • Morning +19° Normally
  • Day +30° Heat
  • Evening +25° Warm
Feels Like +21°C

Overcast, light rain

Chance of precipitation 40 %
Wind 2 m/s
Pressure 647
UV Index 5/12
Humidity 75 %
Precipitation 0.79 mm

Weather forecast updated at 14:51 ©

20 April
21 April
22 April
23 April

Lao Cai: detailed information

Local time UTC/GMT +7 16:50
Day length 12:46:14
Sunrise 05:39
Sunset 18:25
🌓 Moon Phase full
Geographic coordinates 22° 11′ 24″ N 104° 5′ 60″ E
Decimal coordinates 22.19 104.10
Altitude 1 292 m
Population 36 502 people
Twilight Civil 05:16 / 18:48
Twilight Astronomical 04:21 / 19:43
Twilight Nautical 04:49 / 19:15

Historical Weather Data

20 April

The maximum air temperature in Lao Cai for this day for the last 75 years of observations is +33.5°C, recorded in 2023.

An absolute minimum of +11°C was recorded in 1968. The average temperature for this day is +25.1°C.

The heaviest rainfall (46.2 mm) in Lao Cai was recorded in 1974. The maximum wind gusts were up to 14.17 m/s in 2010.

Weather map

Forecast in other regions

Ho Chi Minh
Da Nang
Bien Hoa
Can Tho
Di An
Vung Tau
Nha Trang
Long Xuyen
Thai Nguyen
Rach Gia
Qui Nhon
Sa Dec
Da Lat
Nam Dinh
Vinh Chau
Phu Quoc
All cities

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